Friday, May 22, 2009

2009 Legislative Survey Results

1. Do you support revisions to Missouri’s personal income tax code that would result in fewer brackets?

Yes 74.9% No 10.2% No Opinion 10.5% Blank 4.4%

2. Do you support changes that would make it easier for new alternative energy projects, such as wind farms and hydroelectric plants, to be constructed in the state?

Yes 80.7% No 13.3% No Opinion 3.4% Blank 2.7%

3. Do you support repealing the 1976 law so that utilities may increase customer rates to pay for new power plants while they are under construction?

Yes 19.1% No 72.0% No Opinion 6.3% Blank 2.6%

4. Should the legislature reinstate campaign contribution limits?

Yes 87.1% No 8.4% No Opinion 2.4% Blank 2.2%

5. Should Missouri implement some form of early voting?

Yes 65.5% No 28.1% No Opinion 4.0% Blank 2.4%

6. Should Missouri do away with term limits?

Yes 19.7% No 73.0% No Opinion 4.7% Blank 2.6%

7. Should Missouri law require Plan B to be available only by prescription?

Yes 35.8% No 56.1% No Opinion 5.2% Blank 3.0%

8. Do you consider yourself pro-life or pro-choice?

Pro-life 38.6% Pro-choice 52.4% Blank 9%

9. Should the penalty for assaulting a sport’s official/coach be increased?

Yes 65.9% No 15.6% No Opinion 15.6% Blank 2.9%

10. Should sports wagering be legalized in the State of Missouri?

Yes 45.8% No 42.4% No Opinion 8.6% Blank 3.2%

11. Should restaurants with more than 15 locations nationwide (Chains) be required to post calorie information next to the price on menus and menu boards?

Yes 50.6% No 38.1% No Opinion 10.0% Blank 1.4%

12. Should local school districts be required to integrate a minimum of 90 minutes of physical activity per week into the school day for elementary and secondary school students?

Yes 83.5% No 11.9% No Opinion 3.5% Blank 1.1%

13. Should people or entities that own or use personal information be required to disclose a breach of security to any resident whose information was wrongly acquired?

Yes 94.8% No 1.2% No Opinion 2.3% Blank 1.7%

14. Do you approve or disapprove of the job Representative Jason Grill is doing?

Approve 55.7% Somewhat Approve 22.5% Somewhat Disapprove 5.0%
Disapprove 2.4% Blank 14.4%

15. Do you approve or disapprove of the job Mayor Mark Funkhouser is doing in Kansas City?

Approve 11.2% Somewhat Approve 19.8% Somewhat Disapprove 25.3%
Disapprove 31.6% Blank 12.0%

16. In your opinion, the state economy is………………….

Improving rapidly 0.3% Slowly on the rise 18.6%
Staying the same 26.4% Getting worse 44.3%
Blank 10.4%

17. Which political party do you tend to identify or affiliate yourself with the most?

Democrat 30.9% Republican 29.1%
Other 13.6% Blank 26.4